about Networking

Hello everyone,

I have a question,I try to use the Demo of Networking from Unity,but I can only connect other in Lan, I got this message:

anybody can help me?
thanks very much!! Sorry my English. :wink:


This means there is a problem with your router configuration.

What kind of router do you have?

Do you know how to setup port forwarding on it?

I down’t know,I just downloaded the networking sample from Unity3D.com.then I try to connect others,but got this error.Before that, I have to do what?The need for some settings?

Thanks for your help.

You have to investigate Protons question. Figure out what your network and router setup is - which settings are on it etc.

Do i have to run the masterserver.exe and conntester.exe on the host when i test the networking demo?

the samples connect against Unitys hosted one.

If you want to host your own game thought you would have to host the masterserver somewhere.
thought I don’t know which exe files you are talking off. I only know of one exe and that combines both, thats the masterserver 0.1 sources that are available and work on more than just windows.

If above error appears your router blocks connections and there is no way around it until the router configuration is fixed.