when i make an EXE for Windows, a resolution dialog apears each time that i run the EXE.
i know that i can disable it in “Project settings” → “Player”.
but, i want to know if i can bring up this resolution dialog from a menu inside the game?
by example, i have a “Configuration” button in the main menu, and when i press it, appears the follow options:
“graphics config”
“sound config”
and when i press the “graphics config” it will bring up the “resolution dialog”, and when the user press the “Play” button in the “resolution dialog” window, it will return to the “Configuration” menu.
is this possible?
thanks in advance.
There are a couple scripts on the wiki that show you how to do this. Here is one of them. 
thanks StephenL but in this example only can change the Quality (Good, Beautiful, Fantastic…) but not the resolution.
i want to know if is possible to use the same “resolution Dialog” that Unity have when you open an EXE game, but opening this “resolution Dialog” into a menu of the game, and not each time that the game is started.
I’m almost certain there’s no way to open the graphics/input dialog in-game. I’ve never seen anything like that in the API, and all indications are that the dialog is intended for setting up the appropriate state before the application is launched, not while it’s running.
In any case, the standard solution to this problem is to create your own in-game resolution (or whatever) menu (e.g. using the built-in GUI system).
ok, thanks. if somebody know more about it, can post it here.
There you go…just use that in your Resolution options menu in-game
i found this code in the API reference:
var resolutions : [URL="file:///D:/UNITY%202.6.1%20(INSTALADO)/Editor/Data/Documentation/Documentation/ScriptReference/Resolution.html"]Resolution[/URL][] = [URL="file:///D:/UNITY%202.6.1%20(INSTALADO)/Editor/Data/Documentation/Documentation/ScriptReference/Screen-resolutions.html"]Screen.resolutions[/URL];
// Print the resolutions
for (var res in resolutions)
print(res.width + "x" + res.height);
// Switch to the lowest supported fullscreen resolution
[URL="file:///D:/UNITY%202.6.1%20(INSTALADO)/Editor/Data/Documentation/Documentation/ScriptReference/Screen.SetResolution.html"]Screen.SetResolution[/URL] (resolutions[0].width, resolutions[0].height, true);
but it don´t print nothing.
what is the problem…?
thanks in advance.
First, make sure that text output itself is working by printing some text outside of any loop or conditional. Then, print out resolutions.Length (or whatever the UnityScript equivalent is) to make sure the returned array isn’t empty. (Also, I think if you’re running in the editor, Screen.resolutions may only return a single resolution.)