About Scavanger Tutorial (The referenced script on this Behaviour is missing)

Hi guys, I have a problem ( I dunno if it is about scripting…please advise me).

I’m following the “Scavanger” tutorial, I’m at the 12th part (http://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/projects/2d-roguelike/ui-levels) about UI and screen fading between two game levels.

I wrote the code correctly but, dunno why,…when I execute the project I got some problems…

First I get a lot of notice “The referenced script on this Behaviour is missing!” and then I got two errors: “GameObject (named ‘LevelText’) references runtime script in scene file. Fixing!”
GameObject (named ‘LevelImage’) references runtime script in scene file. Fixing!"

I don’t know what to do…further more I don’t even know what is missing! :frowning:
I tried to googling the problem but I couldn’t find any useful answer about this problem…

Could someone help me?

Ehm sorry…I saw that there is a thread about the tutorial but I don’t know how to delete this one :frowning: