Hi guys.
Sorry for poor eng…
Usually how many times are spent to receive support mail reply?
I’m sent mail almost a week ago, and I didn’t receive any reply.
I want to know it is a normal case, or some wrong with mail sending.
or some special form is needed?
You can also ask you question here.
What is the problem you are having?
Here is our contacts page from our site:
Thank you for reply.
I want to deactivate one of our license and activate for our new member.
If I send mail again, Can you handle this problem in today?
I already lost a week and it will be very hard time if I lose this weekend again.
If you are using unity 4 .2 you can return the license yourself using the Help → Manage License menu.
If you are returning the license by mail , be sure to use the word License in the subject line . Those mails are gettings answered first and min my experience very fast ( form 2 hours to 2 days).
I’m using version 3.x now, so I have to send mail.
I’ll send mail again as you said.
thank you.
License support cases are usually handled same day. If you PM me the support case number, I’ll look into it for you. (The office where the support is handled moved last weekend, so it’s possible there has been a small delay this week.)
How can I get the support case number?
I can’t find it.
If it will be sent when my mail was read, then do I have to wait now?