I am asking that question here as well as other places still don’t get any answer just in case.
Will the Visual Scripting feature and the Timeline feature will come with the first release of Unity 2017?
I know it is maybe too early since that Unity 5.6 will come out this friday (march 31st). But since you talked about it in your keynote was it only for marketing purpose or we’re you serious about it?
Thank you
Take a look at the official roadmap
Visual Scripting is still just at the research stage, so no way it is making it into the first release of 2017. Timeline is in experimental preview, which means it is likely further along than Visual Scripting, but with the 2017 beta just a month away there is no way it is getting in.
yeah I saw that I forgot to mention 2 things.
That they mention it during the last GDC.
That Visual Scripting was still at the same level of research in the roadmap.
So my question was more like, considering the position in the roadmap but at the same time that they mention it during the GDC, how is it going.
Somebody of Unity told me on Facebook that the roadmap is supposed to be updated after the release of 5.6