My girlfriend has been enrolled in online courses for AAU’s Animation Visual Effects program for a few semesters now, and is taking a class presently that is taught by the games lead at the school. One of the discussions this week was about what caught people’s interest at GDC this year. Of course, she told everyone to check out the Unity booth.
So, the instructor said that “Unity is awesome”. And he ordered 30 seats for the school.
Considering the rest of the courses there are taught with the big names, like Maya, Max, Photoshop, and Zbrush, I think it is impressive that Unity has accomplished this.
Yeah, I’ve been doing the sales-dance with these folks here in San Francisco as well. We had a lot of educational interest in Unity during GDC, glad to see they’re stepping up!
A certain regional game developers group in a top-50 (population) US city showed heavy interest in Unity at last month’s meeting, so I’m doing another intro tour of it on Tuesday.