Accelerator on Ubuntu Server

How do I go about installing the unity accelerator server for v2 pipeline import on a ubuntu server?
To be more specific, we have an ARM-based ubuntu server.

Currently ARM is not supported, only x64 on Linux (Ubuntu & CentOS), Windows, and MacOS at the moment. But, ARM has come up before so it may get added sooner versus later. I’ll add your +1 to the feature request. Thanks!

+1 for me too please! I have NAS on my network for caching, and I can’t switch to v2 because there’s no ARM build :confused:

What’s worse, I can’t use pipeline v1 anymore in 2020.2 beta. Somehow the option is gone.

Hi @TheGamedevGuru_1 , as mentioned here, pipeline v1 was replaced by v2 starting from 2020.1

Thanks for the link @hiepu3d . That’s why an ARM version becomes quite important now.

Is there any updates on this? We could really use an arm release…