Access array from one object to another.

I am currently working on an audio manager that has an array of sounds and methods to play the sounds and create audio sources for them. I have created the Sound “droppedObject” in the editor on an “Audio Manager” object that contains the “AudioManager” script, however I am unable to reference any of the array. Is there a way to do this in Unity? Just want to be able to pass the sound into CreateAudioSource().

public class AudioManager : MonoBehaviour
    public Sound[] sounds;
    public Sound[] locationSounds;

    public void CreateAudioSource(Sound s, GameObject g)
        if(s.source == null)
            s.source = g.AddComponent<AudioSource>();
            s.source.outputAudioMixerGroup = s.outputMixerGroup;
            s.source.clip = s.audioClip;

            s.source.volume = s.volume;
            s.source.pitch = s.pitch;
            s.source.loop = s.loop;

public class MainMenuButtons : MonoBehaviour
//public Sound droppedObject;

    private void Awake()
        AudioManager audioManager = FindObjectOfType<AudioManager>();

Ahh to be honest this is a waist of both out times. here where i got, moving to comments if it lets me. My code is too embedded with one another.

It looks like I was able to get around the issue by not referencing the array at all and changing the method.

public void CreateAudioSource(string name, GameObject g)
        Sound s = Array.Find(locationSounds, sound => == name);
        if(s.source == null)
            s.source = g.AddComponent<AudioSource>();
            s.source.outputAudioMixerGroup = s.outputMixerGroup;
            s.source.clip = s.audioClip;

            s.source.volume = s.volume;
            s.source.pitch = s.pitch;
            s.source.loop = s.loop;