I want to manage that if any sound’s Audibility is below a certain dB, I will stop and clear its AudioSource. I found Audibility in Profiler Window. Is it possible to access Audibility in Runtime?
You’re right, this function is only internal, and that’s suboptimal, to say the least…
As a workaround, you could have function calculating the current loudness of the sound by analyzing the buffer got from AudioSource.GetOutputData. If you get a RMS value below a certain threshold for a certain number of frame, then you could flag that AudioSource as candidate for clean-up.
I found a solution but do not know if it is the best approach.
I have an AudioManager that iterates all playing AudioSources in one Update. Then I checked Audibility by AudioSource distance with AudioListener positions. I did this distance check with sqrMagnitude to get better performance calculating distance. If AudioSource is so far away then pause it.
private void CheckAudibility(AudioEntity audioEntity)
if (audioEntity.GetIsAudioSource3D())
Vector3 distanceVector3 = _audioListenerTransform.position - audioEntity.transform.position;
float distanceFromAudioListener = distanceVector3.sqrMagnitude;
if (distanceFromAudioListener <= audioEntity.GetAudioSourceMaxDistanceSqr())
public bool GetIsAudioSource3D() => _audioSource.spatialBlend > 0.5f;
public float GetAudioSourceMaxDistanceSqr()
float maxDistance = _audioSource.maxDistance;
return maxDistance * maxDistance;
public void SetIsAudioSourceAudible(bool isAudible)
switch (isAudible)
case false:
case true:
I think this is a good system and that it surfaces a relevant data point, really useful to optimize you resources. Good job!
The only nitpicky remark I would make here is that audibility should involve how loud is the sound at that exact moment, as you could have a very dim sound close less audible than an very loud distant sound…
…but that would make me the asshole as I know that Unity doesn’t provide that “instantaneous loudness” information, nor does it make it easy to retrieve