I am using instantiate() to clone a gameobject and have stored the cloned gameobject in a variable named rocketInstance.This new gameObject have three children named marker,starter and plane. I want to store the marker gameObject in a variable named trrigerObject. I have tried the following
Easiest way would be : Get Child transform using its index , and then get GameObject of that child transform:
GameObject ChildGameObject1 = ParentGameObject.transform.GetChild (0).gameObject;
GameObject ChildGameObject2 = ParentGameObject.transform.GetChild (1).gameObject;
And so on …
I would attach a script to your marker gameobject like so:
// C#
public GameObject myMarker;
void Start()
marker = this.gameObject;
// JS
var myMarker : GameObject;
function Start()
marker = this.gameObject;
Making it public means other scripts can now access this gameobject.
just use this.trrigerObject must be GameObject variable
for heaven sake, there is not any get sub child by name or by tag, what if I have many sub children
I have this little extension that isn’t efficient at all, but does do what you’re expecting.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public static class ExtensionMethods {
public static GameObject FindChildByName(this GameObject target, string name) {
if (target.name == name) return target;
for (int i = 0; i < target.transform.childCount; ++i) {
var result = FindChildByName(target.transform.GetChild(i).gameObject, name);
if (result != null) return result;
return null;
You would use it like:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class ExampleScript : MonoBehaviour {
private GameObject parentObject; // set in inspector
void Update() {
GameObject childObject = parentObject.FindChildByName("ChildGameObjectName");
if (childObject != null) {
Debug.Log("Found Child:" + childObject.name);
Maybe this will help someone in the future?