Access Current System Time Zone

Basically I can able to detect list of system time zones using following code:

foreach(TimeZoneInfo info in tz)
    Debug.Log("time zone id : " + info.Id + " display name : " + info.DisplayName);

Running this code, I have following output in console.


In this list, I want to know, which one is my current system is following? Because I want specific information about that time zone. As like in following code, I was written clear “Asia/Kolkata”.

TimeZoneInfo infos = System.TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Asia/Kolkata");

By running which code, I can able to get “Asia/Kolkata” as output?

EDIT: I was already using NodaTime here and code running for this purpose.

// Create a NodaTime DateTimeZoneSource object for IANA time zone names
    var dateTimeZoneSource = TzdbDateTimeZoneSource.Default;

    // Get the Windows time zone by name (or use TimeZoneInfo.Local)
    var timeZoneInfo = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("India Standard Time");

    // Convert between Windows and IANA time zone names
    var tzdbTimeZoneInfo = dateTimeZoneSource.MapTimeZoneId(timeZoneInfo);


But in this, I am getting exception regarding,

I am using Mac system and editor as Mono Develop - Unity and my target devices are iPhones.

My discussion was already running over stack overflow

In that one guy say that, this thing is not working in unity as well link of Issue Tracker.

Did you ever find solution for this?