Access SV_InstanceID (NOT unity_InstanceID) in Shader Graph when using RenderPrimitivesIndexedIndirect


I am using Graphics.RenderPrimitivesIndexedIndirect to render meshes.
All mesh data is stored in de-interleaved GraphicsBuffers (position, compressed normals/tangents, UVs, etc.).
Culling is done on the GPU via compute shaders.
For the last 3 years we used a custom SRP but now i want to port our stuff over to URP.

I want to make use of ShaderGraph during the porting process, so our (tech-)artists can use it in the future.
However, as it turns out, i can’t access SV_InstanceID in ShaderGraph. The shadergraph’s InstanceID-Node uses unity_InstanceID, which is NOT what i want.
(When using Graphics.RenderPrimitivesIndexedIndirect, unity_InstanceID is not available and you have to directly use SV_InstanceID instead. At least thats how we did it for the last 3 years.)

How can i access SV_InstanceID in ShaderGraph?
My current workaround is to open the shader that is generated by shadergraph, then manually patch the shader to use SV_InstanceID instead of unity_InstanceID. This works, but is a VERY time consuming process as i have to redo it every time i touch a shadergraph-shader…

(Please don’t tell me this is impossible / still missing from shadergraph / planned … :melting_face: )


Looks like you need to create your own Universal SubTarget with all features you need
like this: GitHub - Zallist/unity.zallist.universal-simple-lit-shadergraph-target: This plugin simply adds a Simple Lit material (SubTarget) to the Universal target for Shader Graph for URP

I went the hammer and crowbar way and wrote a small patcher/tool that adds support for:

  • SV_InstanceID instead of unity_InstanceID when using the InstanceID-node
  • nointerpolation attribute for Interpolators/Vertexshader output

If anyone needs it, you can get it here

I still hope that Unity will add these features to shadergraph in the future as Graphics.RenderPrimitivesIndexedIndirect is not useable with shadergraph without them.


Updated the patcher

Support for uint, int, min16uint and min16int vertex input attributes.
i.e. "float4 uv2 : TEXCOORD2;" becomes "min16uint4 uv2 : TEXCOORD2;".
NOTE: This will **ONLY** patch vertex INPUT!
All other nodes/code will not be affected. 

With a Custom function node, you can write hlsl function.
Maybe something like this in the vertex shader stage.

 out = UNITY_GET_INSTANCE_ID(input);
 out = 0;