Inside of the folder “Assets” i have another one called “worlds” and i need to access it. When i was in Editor mode i was using System.IO namespace to access the folder, them i realized that this doesn’t work in android. I read if i want to access to the apk content i need to use the WWW class with this address : “jar:file//” + Apllication.dataPath + “!/assets/”. But when i load this address i have the following error “You are trying to load data from a www stream which had the following error when downloading.”, “java.io.FileNotFoundException: assets/”.
I had tried to use “Application.streamingAssetPath” too and that doesn’t work neither. If someone can explain me how to access the data i’ll really appreciate it. I was using the property “assetBundle” to know how many folders are inside the foelr “worlds” but i couldn’t. Thanks a lot and sorry the english.