I want to train agents in the FoodCollector-like environment with a genetic algorithm.
I want each agent to inherit the neural network weight parameter from the parent when they are born, so I think I need to access to the network and assign the weight.
How can I access to weight parameters of ML-Agents Agent?
There are some methods to support this in the TFPolicy class:
def get_weights(self):
with self.graph.as_default():
_vars = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES)
values = [v.eval(session=self.sess) for v in _vars]
return values
def init_load_weights(self):
with self.graph.as_default():
_vars = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES)
values = [v.eval(session=self.sess) for v in _vars]
for var, value in zip(_vars, values):
assign_ph = tf.placeholder(var.dtype, shape=value.shape)
self.assign_ops.append(tf.assign(var, assign_ph))
def load_weights(self, values):
with self.graph.as_default():
feed_dict = {}
for assign_ph, value in zip(self.assign_phs, values):
feed_dict[assign_ph] = value
self.sess.run(self.assign_ops, feed_dict=feed_dict)
Thank you very much!
Are there such methods on the Unity side (C#) ?
I’m not exactly sure what’s available on the C# side. We import the models with Barracuda, which has access for iterating through the layers:
and you should be able to access the weights from the layers:
but I believe these are read-only.
If you have feature requests for Barracuda, they best place to ask is on their github issues: Issues · Unity-Technologies/barracuda-release · GitHub
Thank you very much for your kind reply!
Now I’m trying to implement NN using KelpNet (GitHub - harujoh/KelpNet: Pure C# machine learning framework ) and train it by GA on C#,
but I’ll try your methods if I have a chance.
Looking at the code a bit, the weight variable is at
Agent.m_Brain : BarracudaPolicy
.m_ModelRunner : ModelRunner (protected)
.barracudaModel : Barracuda.Model (not a member variable)
.layers : List<Barracuda.Layer>
→ Layer.weights : float[ ]