Access to Tizen Watch APIs?

I’m looking into creating a game/app for the S3 watch ( frontier) using Unity.
Could not find answers to these questions:

Please note that the following questions are specifically asked for the watches, not Tizen in general.

1.) Can I access the watch’s bezel wheel?
Get I get events when the bezel is turned? How would I do this? Are these APIs exposed for me in Unity? Or how would I go about accessing them via a plugin?

2.) Communication: How to make e.g. http requests ( or other communications ( socket, UDP, whatever).

Basically, I need to communicate with a server ( or an app in the linked Android phone). Can I just use the regular WWW ? Or is that someone restricted?

3.) Storage, disk access?
Can I just write to the disk like on mobile/desktop unity build targets or are there any constraints?


At this time there is no support for watches in Unity, Tizen or otherwise. Members of the community may have some feedback but nothing is officially supported.

Woof. That’s dumb it’s 2018.

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