Access vars from a C# with Js

I have a javascript script and I have this variable.

var otherscript : PlayerController

But it doesn’t accept CharacerController.cs as a var type. Why?

This is because Unity compiles JS before C# scripts.

All scripts that are compiled in this step have access to all scripts in the first group (“Standard Assets”, “Pro Standard Assets” or “Plugins”). This allows you to let different scripting languages interoperate. For example, if you want to create a Javascript that uses a C# script: place the C# script in the “Standard Assets” folder and the Javascript outside of the “Standard Assets” folder. The Javascript can now reference the C# script directly.

it IS possible, however you would have to place your C# script in a folder calles Standart Assets which will compile your C# script before your JS script, but then ofcourse you cant acces js variables any more from that C# script.