accessibility attributes in unity for iPhone and android

I am a blind developer, and currently on the iPhone I can interact with many applications with a screen reader called voice over. I believe it is similar with android, although with a different screen reader. I was wondering, however, if accessibility elements of things like buttons and other things such as text labels are either 1. properly set when making them with unity, or 2. can be set manually through unity. I understand that when unity makes an iOS compilation, it simply makes the xcode project and then you compile it from there so I suppose I could edit it in the xcode project, but I’d rather not.
Thanks for any help,

hey mike, did you solve this issue? my daughter is blind. we are building some games together. so far we used gestures to trigger text to speech of game stats. Then we also read out level details before you start the next level. but we haven’t tried to access gui elements using voiceover.

if you don’t mind me asking what do you use to access unity itself?

we use a web based tts (text to speech) for dynamic stuff and pre-record the more static.

also I came across this

and had started developing something similar for tts.

Hi Mike, hi Urfx,
I’m sorry if I’m writing here even if mine isn’t an answer.

I’m blind and I’d like to share some infos with you about game developing. I haven’t found your contact in your profile page.

If you want you can freely contact me at

Thanks a lot.