AccessibilitySettings and fontScale


I am using Accessibility API in 2023.2.1f. I need to access fontScale in iOS and Android. I’ve read that accessibility settings are avaible in 2023.3 (Unity 6 preview).

I have tried to upgrade my project but got unstable with AddressableSystem, Localization and AssetBundles workflow.

Is there any way of getting fontScale in 2023.2.1f?


Hello! These settings are on Unity 2023.3/Unity 6 only, there’s no way to access it through Unity alone in versions prior to that. However, there are plugins for Android and iOS that can be used to access these values (for example the iOS plugins by Apple: GitHub - apple/unityplugins).

Thanks you @JuliaP_Unity .

I found the Apple plugin before and thought it as the solution. Is there any official plugin for Android, or one that can be relied?

A quick search didn’t point me to anything unfortunately.