Accessing a downloaded AssetBundle

Hello everyone,

I am working on a mobile game where the player can download separate experiences after the initial download, at which point they should not have to download them again or need connection to the internet. I can download and load scenes that are asset bundles easily, even moving back and forth between them. However when the phone application is closed and reopened I get the error:

  "Scene 'FirstScene' couldn't be loaded because it has not been added to the build settings or the 
   AssetBundle has not been loaded."

I am assuming that after restarting the game the bundle with the scene is no longer loaded. The only way I have found around this is to connect to the web url again but there has to be a better way than that since the users have downloaded it once already. Here is my download code:

    request = UnityWebRequestAssetBundle.GetAssetBundle(url);
	yield return request.SendWebRequest();

	if (request.isNetworkError || request.isHttpError)
		AssetBundle bundle = DownloadHandlerAssetBundle.GetContent(request);
		string[] scenePaths = bundle.GetAllScenePaths();
		sceneName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(scenePaths[0]);
		downloaded = true;

I have tried caching it but I can’t seem to find the file path of the cache to load it again. I have looked through all of the documentation and there seems to be a fundamental failure to understand on my part. I’m looking for any type of help I can get.

Thanks in advance

Turns out just changing the top line to

request = UnityWebRequestAssetBundle.GetAssetBundle(url, 0, 0);

and then using the same line when loading the bundle with the hash and version number both set to 0 solved my problem, it now loads without needing an internet connection.