Accessing asset store makes the editor crash

With reference to this question and this other one.

Here I’m having the same issue with brand new installation of Unity3d 4.6 on brand new windows 7 ULTIMATE x64. I’m running it under VirtualBox with good memory configuration and 3d accelerator enabled.

The problem is that when I click to open the asset store it loads a white window with just the above part displayed correctly. After a few seconds it freezes and it appears a dialog saying that the editor has stopped working and will be closed.

This happens 100% of the times.

Trying to import packages directly from the editor I get the error saying

Error building package The server was
unable to build the package. Please

So, at the moment I cannot deal with assets or tutorials via the asset store. The only thing I can do to achieve this is to have a friend downloading assets, creating projects and passing it to me, but this solution is not acceptable.

Any clue to solve this problem?

Seen comments before that Edit → Project Settings → Player and untick DirectX can fix the issue. But also seen that it doesn’t always work.

Got in this issue recently. I just:

  1. stopped Unity
  2. removed all the licensing related files from: C:\ProgramData\Unity\

And everything worked (licence reactivation window opened successfully)