Accessing certain save data from two different apps?

I plan to release the first level of my next game as a free demo. If someone beats it, I want them to not have to beat it again, the first time they play the full game. But if they don’t (or just buy the full version straight away), I want them to beat the first level before moving on. What is a solution?

Apple prevents this. You’ll need to talk to a web server and store your data there somehow (use the unique identifier if you want to do this silently).

…or just go old school and give them a password to enter: ‘SKIPDEMO’

I’m not sure what that means. Point me in the right direction to find out?


“A unique device identifier. It is guaranteed to be unique for every device (Read Only). You can use it (for example) to store high scores in a central server”

A lot of the avenues for sharing data between apps have been explored by the guys trying to make copy and paste frameworks, and as I recall all the holes they found have been closed.

It looks like the iPhone OS supports “NSGlobalDomain” for defaults. You might be able to set a key in this domain and have it read by multiple apps.