Accessing data in an array of arrays

I have an array of arrays. I am wondering

// why does this work 

Debug.Log("woodPriceArray[whichRes] = " + woodPriceArray[whichRes]);

Debug.Log("priceArrays[1][1] = " + priceArrays[1][1]);

// and not this, which is essentially the same thing ( n o t e : whichRes =1 )

var randVar : int = 1;

Debug.Log("LOOK HERE 1: " + quantityArray[whichRes][randVar]);

I’m not sure if this is currently accurate, but I’ve had difficulty in the past, and never actually figured out back then, how to get multi-dimensional arrays working in javascript. They will definitely work with c# though…


turns out, as suspected my info was outdated… here’s a link that may start you down the right track:

looks like it’s: QuantityArray[1,1]