Accessing Dynamically Named Variables (javascript)

So need to read some variables that are in a static class.
The variables are just strings named Lock1 through Lock4.
Their values are either locked or unlocked.
I’ve been trying to do this without a bunch of if else statements in case more locks need to be added to the game. So what I want to do is to ask the global script for a variable with something like:

function GetLock(lockNum : int) : String
		//return value of "Lock" + lockNum

I’ve tried a few keyworks like pathTo and nothing has worked so far.

You can’t. Either change the variables to an array:

var Lock = [0,0,0,0];

(and note that arrays start at 0 not 1).

or use a switch to read them:

function GetLock(lockNum : int) : String
    switch (lockNum) {
        case 1: return Lock1;
        case 2: return Lock2;
        case 3: return Lock3;
        case 4: return Lock4;

I would recommend using the array.

You can’t do these typical javascript tricks in Unityscript - variable names cannot be dynamically created or modified. You must use an array if you want to access the variables by index.