Accessing functions between C# and JS files

I have a c# file that is using an A* algorithm to traverse the camera to a target around objects. When the camera reaches the destination, I was to call a function in a JS file I have to do something else, but only after the camera completes it's movement. It does not have to pass any variables, just fire the function in the JS file from the C# file. I have found plenty of examples of firing a C# function from a JS file (which I do in my code), but not any examples of firing the JS function from the C# file. If anyone could help me out I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance.

no answer?cs and js can't access each other freely? i know that,if you put your cs file in "standard assets/scripts/",your js outer should access it.

If you wanna access to a file defined in other language -> put that file in "Standard Assets" because it is compiled first. The compilation order is:

  1. All scripts in "Standard Assets", "Pro Standard Assets" or "Plugins" are compiled first.

  2. All scripts in "Standard Assets/Editor", "Pro Standard Assets/Editor" or "Plugins/Editor" are compiled next.

  3. All scripts in "Editor" are compiled after.

  4. All other scripts are compiled last.

You can find this information here: