Accessing Material Array

I have a mesh with two materials. I want to use the “renderer.material.color = Color.white;” command on the second one. How do I do that?

Have a look at the renderer.materials array. You should end up with some code like:

renderer.materials[1].color = Color.white;

Thanks for that. Now I have another problem: how do I change the material all together? (I have a texture with some shaders attached that I want to use.)

If you want to change the entire material, you can simply assign a new one in its place:

renderer.materials[1] = otherMaterial;

Alternatively, have a look at the properties for a Material and you can access them and reassign their values just like you did with the color. For a texture, it might be:

renderer.materials[1].mainTexture = newTexture;

Still having some problems. Here is a sample of my code:

function torsoDesign (idx) {
	renderer.materials[1].mainTexture = torsoDesignArray[idx];

function changeCharacter () {
	print ("Changing...");
	SendMessage("torsoDesign", 1);
	renderer.materials[0].color =;

I call “changeCharacter” from another script. The color of the first material changes, but the texture does not.

EDIT: It works now! Forgot to assign a variable. Thanks a bundle for your help!