Hi @AndrewLaBoyXR_1
I’ve tested your script with a Quest 2 build and it worked fine. I’ve used Unity 2021.2.18f1 (Open XR 1.3.1) with the <OculusTouchController>/menu binding, here it’s my Input Action config:
Updated my OpenXRPlugin to 1.3.1 and was able to find the “start” option in my binding path. Cheers!
Just want to mention, using the “start” binding works in builds for Quest 2, however not in Editor. So i’d say just keep the original binding for “menuButton” for use in Editor alongside your “start” binding.
HI, i am facing same issue using unity 2021.3.8f1/ xr interaction toolkit 2.1.1, I cant see Start option for Xr controller or oculus controller for left hand… i have attached my screenshot for reference please help…
@andersoncc Thanks! Not selecting Oculus Quest support was exactly the problem for me. I found other suggestions online, like upgrading to the latest version of OpenXR (already on it), or using ‘Start’ instead of ‘menu’. None of these were valid options. Its a bit hard to diagnose as you need Oculus Quest for this button, but all the other buttons seem to work fine without enabling Oculus Quest support.
this solution worked for me:
As others I couldn’t find the “start” binding. The bindings menu, home, app, system, etc. didnt work. I then clicked the “T” symbol besides the binding to manually paste"{LeftHand}/start" there and hit enter.
This worked.
Additionally you can add this to comply with meta quest guidelines to pause when opening the oculus dash:
private void OnApplicationFocus(bool focus)
if (isPaused)
if (focus)
isPaused = true;
Hi! Again.
Recently, I updated the Unity editor to 2021.3.24f1 and it was the only solution that worked for me too on Quest 2. Thank you.
I use these packages:
Has anyone figured out why some people are able to access the “Start” binding and other are not? That seems pretty odd. I for one do not see it listed.
When building to Quest, start [Oculus Touch Controller] works fine for me, but it does not work for Meta Quest Link. When using Meta Quest Link, menu [Oculus Touch Controller] works, but unfortunately not so on the Quest build.
I have added both to the input action and that works fine.