Accessing Reflection Probes data in a shader

Hello everyone!

I’m trying to do some operations with reflection probes in the shader, but I can’t figure out exactly how HDRP works with it. The Standard and Universal render pipelines use unity_SpecCube variables, but I can’t find anything like this in the HDRP shaders.
So with which variable or function can I get the cubic texture of the reflection probe in HDRP?

Hi, it is not possible to access reflection probe (neither lights) in a material with HDRP. Our lighting is decoupled from Material and we used a tile/cluster renderer (light list is build after the GBuffer pass)


What about the _EnvCubemapTextures variable? Looks like it contains an array of reflection probe textures? Can I get some data from there? Or write them there from some part of the code?