Accessing Variables from other scripts

I’m kind of a programming noob, but my knowledge should be good enough to get this simple game I’m trying to make done.

So my question is that I have a pause menu, a GUI appears and I want to be able to click a button and things will happen.

When you press escape, the game pauses just fine, and when you press escape it un-pauses. I also want to be able to click the continue button to un-pause the game.

I have a script for the continue button that references the “Is paused” paused variable and i want to set it to false, like this:

function OnMouseDown ()

	GameObject.Find("Main Camera").GetComponent(Pause).pauseGame = false;

but it doesn’t seem to be working.

Here is the script for my pause interface:

public var pauseGame : boolean = false; //the variable I'm trying to access
public var showGUI : boolean = false;
public var optionsMenu : boolean = false; 

function Start() 
	Screen.lockCursor = true;

function Update () 

		pauseGame = !pauseGame;
		if(pauseGame == true)
			Time.timeScale = 0;
			pauseGame = true;
			GameObject.Find("Main Camera").GetComponent (MouseLook).enabled = false;
			GameObject.Find("Main Camera").GetComponent (ColorCorrectionCurves).enabled = true;
			GameObject.Find("Main Camera").GetComponent (NoiseAndGrain).enabled = true;
			GameObject.Find("First Person Controller").GetComponent (MouseLook).enabled = false;
			GameObject.Find("Crosshair").GetComponent(GUITexture).enabled = false;
			Screen.lockCursor = false;
			showGUI = true;
		else if(pauseGame == false)
			Time.timeScale = 1;
			pauseGame = false;
			Screen.lockCursor = true; //Not relocking!
			GameObject.Find("Main Camera").GetComponent (MouseLook).enabled = true;
			GameObject.Find("Main Camera").GetComponent (ColorCorrectionCurves).enabled = false;
			GameObject.Find("Main Camera").GetComponent (NoiseAndGrain).enabled = false;
			GameObject.Find("First Person Controller").GetComponent (MouseLook).enabled = true;
			GameObject.Find("Crosshair").GetComponent(GUITexture).enabled = true;
			showGUI = false;

If anyone can help me that would be wonderful!

ALSO: I’m having trouble with my mouse lock command. The mouse unlocks just fine when I go to pause, but it doesn’t relock when I un-pause the game, and I need it to go back to being hidden and locked.

You could try setting it up as a function…

function Update ()
		pauseGame = !pauseGame;

public function PauseGame(should : boolean)
		Time.timeScale = 0;
		pauseGame = true; // this is not needed as weve already stated pauseGame was true under Input.GetKeyDown
		GameObject.Find("Main Camera").GetComponent (MouseLook).enabled = false;
		GameObject.Find("Main Camera").GetComponent (ColorCorrectionCurves).enabled = true;
		GameObject.Find("Main Camera").GetComponent (NoiseAndGrain).enabled = true;
		GameObject.Find("First Person Controller").GetComponent (MouseLook).enabled = false;
		GameObject.Find("Crosshair").GetComponent(GUITexture).enabled = false;
		Screen.lockCursor = false;
		showGUI = true;
		Time.timeScale = 1;
		pauseGame = false; // this is not needed as weve already stated pauseGame was false under Input.GetKeyDown
		Screen.lockCursor = true; 
		GameObject.Find("Main Camera").GetComponent (MouseLook).enabled = true;
		GameObject.Find("Main Camera").GetComponent (ColorCorrectionCurves).enabled = false;
		GameObject.Find("Main Camera").GetComponent (NoiseAndGrain).enabled = false;
		GameObject.Find("First Person Controller").GetComponent (MouseLook).enabled = true;
		GameObject.Find("Crosshair").GetComponent(GUITexture).enabled = true;
		showGUI = false;	

And your other script could be something like…

pauseScript.PauseGame(false); // pauseScript is a reference to the above script. you will need to set that up

ALso, why not set up a variable for your main camera so you dont have to always “Find” it. Find is expensive, especially because you are searching by name.

I’m not familiar with javascript but I think everything above is correct

I found a great thread that may help you out :

As for the screen locking goes, I am not sure. I have never tried to lock the mouse to the screen. I would start: Unity - Scripting API: Screen.lockCursor