Account Disabled, told to Create New Organization


I wanted to follow up here because I was a bit confused from customer support.

We recently received an email from Unity stating the following:


Your subscription to Unity Pro for 222.00 USD has been deactivated due to an outstanding payment. Even with your subscription deactivated, you are required to pay the total amount owing 222.00 USD. Please log in to your Unity Dashboard to provide the correct payment method information or contact our customer service team for further support. Once we receive your overdue payment, your subscription will be reactivated and you will regain access to Unity.

Sincerely, The Unity team

When I attempt to click the link it says I need to contact customer support to have my account reenabled so I can pay any outstanding invoices. After contacting customer support they said I can’t pay any outstanding invoices or even get a new Unity Pro subscription because my account has been disabled and it’s now in a state where I need to create a new organization if I want a Unity Pro subscription.

  1. I don’t see this in the documentation anywhere and we never received notification of this. More frustrating is that Unity was trying to charge our Pro subscription to an expired card despite the fact that we had other payment methods which is why we missed these three payments originally.

  2. I don’t understand this policy, because essentially we’re ready to pay our outstanding invoice and instead we’re being told to circumvent the fact that we have had outstanding payments and create another organization.

  3. We have a ton of work put into the portal to create this organization and as it has games currently using the UGS it does not make sense redoing all of this.

Has anyone else run into this issue or have reference of this in the Unity documentation?


Well (no expert here) but it reads like you should still be able to log into the account on the site and pay, but not use the license until paid, but it says you can log in the dashboard and pay up and continue…

It does not read like that at all. The account is disabled, which is different from the license being revoked.

I disagree. Because it says subscription disabled login and pay

The thing I quoted is literally what they said right after what you quoted. They are saying they have to create an entirely new organization.

that seems very odd, and not wishing to pick on the OP cos i can understand they are highly frustrated, the email is very much a direct quote, the explaination after, is not, well, it might be, but its the OPs words and perhaps there is a level of misunderstanding. I will say, I doubt it, but, without the exact words, it is not easy to be as confident.

ive been in a situation where unity did disable my account - I too was very annoyed, and I had to make a second account to log the ticket, but, after a brief discussion, (as it was a unity mistake), they sorted it all out.

The one thing i will say is if paying monthly do unity write each month saying you owe? , or, only at the end of the year saying your year is up do you want to continue? I only ever did plus mind, but I paid for the year, and I only paid for plus for the assetstore discount, some webinars and a free tshirt :smiley: and wanting to support unity. If the payment is auto monthly, I am less surprised maybe there was no reminder, but, I am surprised there was no “did you forget you have a few days or we give up” but I can also see some form of flag that says youve been late paying x times, chop.

Also, surely creating a new organisation, a lot of assets purchased would need to be rebought id have thought, because they will be allocated to the old, and well if its disabled, then, you cant extract them out of there to the new… As well as things like UGS and monitorisation etc. Any old copies of the games would be sending monitorisation to the old org, and if you cant get at it… surely free money in unity pockets?