I launched a F2P mobile game using UGS for Analytics, Remote Config and Unity ADS (still on legacy). This month, my game jumped from +/-400 downloads to 100K+ because of an influencer campaign. Things were great, a lot of ad impressions, and we were using the analytics to fine tune our game.
That’s when Unity decided to block my account without giving me any notice, nor inform what was the actual problem. All they say is a generic text that I violated some policy. I submitted an appeal a week ago and still nothing. I’m sure I didn’t violate any policy. From what I saw online, this is an automatic fraud detection system that flagged me because of the jump of players.
I have no access to my Analytics, Can’t change anything on my Remote Config and worst of all, NO ADS FOR MORE THAN A WEEK ON A GAME WITH 100k+ MAU. I’m losing money, and I am sure Unity won’t compensate me for this.
If anyone from Unity can help me, I would appreciate.
We have the same problem. I submitted an appeal a week ago and still NO answer (Appeal ID: #1806436). Our team is preparing to launch a new app version alongside corresponding advertising campaigns. To effectively analyze performance and optimize monetization, we rely heavily on Unity’s analytics and monetization services. Unfortunately, with our organization locked, we are unable to access these critical services. We are losing time. We need to find out why our organization has been locked and take action accordingly. We would be very happy if we could get a quick response.
Could you please review my account? It has been blocked twice without reasons. I encountered the same issue as my colleague, causing problems with monetization and losing all the money and time invested. It’s not just about the money anymore; it’s about trust in the platform. It’s not normal that every time I make a simple change in the dashboard, it gets blocked. For example, last time, just by changing the mediation configuration, the dashboard was blocked the next day, causing issues with ALL my apps. How is this possible? I make a change in one app and all of them get blocked? It’s a disaster. I have already submitted 3 tickets, and the oldest ticket has been open for over a month without any response. I would like to activate Tier 1 campaigns for Unity, but with these situations, I cannot trust the platform. Could you help me? Thank you.
These are the 3 tickets that I have already opened and none of them have been answered: