Hi, I’m a student. My University doesn’t allow the use of older Unity versions.
I want to learn how to open my projects without using the Cloud.
I started a project using the Spatial Toolkit at home and managed to configure Unity and the Spatial Toolkit.
At University, I managed to find the file I created at home with the older version, and somehow it uploaded to the new version. However, it deleted the work I built at home.
Now I can’t open Unity Hub at home (using the same email address). Unity keeps trying to make me login with an old UNI account.
I don’t want to use Cloud for this project because the project requires the use of several platforms. Unity, Spatial tookit, KiriEngine, and Blender… with add-ons…
I would like to know if there is someone who could help me configure all the different platforms, so I can finish the 3DGS Model project and upload it to the Spatio Virtual Gallery I’m building as a Uni project.
Do you have any specific information? Like a screenshot of the problem or something?
Hi, thanks for asking.
I’m in a loop.
I just want to use my Gmail account and every login attempt I make, leads me back to the student account. I’ll try to create a screenshot to show you when it happens again.
Maybe you can try to uninstall Unity Hub first, then delete the old Unity Hub cache from the hard disk (usually the cache is in the ProgramData folder where the username is located on the C drive), and then reinstall Unity Hub.
Thank you.
That sounds right to me.
But I fear loosing all the work already done on my desktop… when I try to login again. I mean, when I open the project (?)
Actually, I did uninstall before because I needed to get read of other visual studio versions to match with the right version of Unity.
So was the new approach tried? Was the problem solved?
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Hi, sorry, I’m in Australia.
I managed to login to Cloud and found the projects.
Can I cancel that, use only desktop, and save the project on an external drive?
Oh, of course you can, after opening the project in Unity, just disconnect the cloud connection in “Edit-Project Settings-Services”.
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Hi, Molinghu
May I keep on asking your questions here, or would you prefer I create new questions on the main page?
Hi, cordeiropm2
Of course you can continue to ask questions here. If I can’t answer you, please create a new question so that someone who knows the answer can help you.
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Thank you
I’ve been trying to work on proper technical questions for you.
Since yesterday, I created several questions that I managed to answer myself, as I tried to explain the issue… - that’s cool, right?
I also reached a point where I might have to start looking for different ways to upload 3DGS models to my Spatial Virtual Gallery. It may be an impossible task at this stage anyway. Many code programmers are working on creating addons for all kinds of platforms, to get read of excess point cloud, sharpen the images, enhance colour settings, etc. but also to be able to export the images to all kinds of platforms.
I am not aware of anyone who managed to upload a 3DGS model to a Spatial Virtual Gallery. (through the Spatial/Unity toolkit.)
So it is challenging to try it out myself.
Have you come across anyone doing this?
My path so far has been:
Using KIRI Engine to create the 3DGS Model, uploading to Blender, where I was told the excess of the point cloud can be edited. But I just learnt that the file can’t be exported to Unity just yet.
it can be exported to Unreal Engine.
Spatial offers a Toolkit, a program that helps people create a Virtual Space, … (in an old Unity version).
If I learn that there is another easy option to upload my 3DGS models to a different Virtual Gallery Platform, then yes. Maybe I should try that.
You’re welcome.
Sorry, the game I’m making now can be made with low-polygon 3D models, so I can directly export simple models in Blender, so this problem does not exist. This question may need to be asked in other forum sections.
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