Account settings -> account security (Authorized Applications)


There are “Authorized Applications” and “Connected Applications” on account settings page.
How can I create an application that can be granted to access someone’s (who granted access) unity ads dashboard? I didn’t find any documentation.

Authorized Applications
Applications you have granted access to your account.
Connected Applications
Applications you have connected to your account.

Hi, can you describe the use case?


We want to fetch advertising campaigns of our customers from unity ads dashboard (it’s not possible via API). Some of our customers enabled 2FA and we are searching for another ways of authentication.

Your clients/customers should be able to add your account to access their organizations/projects, under Unity ID

Depending on how you fetch the projects now from dashboards, you should be able to use the same REST API used by browser to access campaigns… Disclaimer: not officially documented/supported, but should work. Is this what you have in mind?


rasmus-unity. Thank you for fast replies. Yes, this is what we wanted.

Good to hear, hope you get it working. Otherwise just contact us again.


I’m a new user, how can I upload a target image?

Can you please open a new thread and provide as much information as possible:

  • What your specific issue is
  • What version of Unity and the Unity Ads SDK you are using
  • Any device logs that you have