Accumulation! [Windows & Android]

Hello everyone!

I’m very new & beginner to Unity development … And I’ve finished my game named: “Accumulation!” that i’ve been working on since 2 months. It has the same idea of that game “Stack” for Android developed by Ketchapp. You simply tap on the screen to place the block or you press Spacebar on keyboard in order to place it again! I made 2 versions of Accumulation! and uploded them to MEGA:

1- For Android: MEGA
2- For Windows: MEGA

I made this game only for learning and the main original idea is Ketchapp’s one. But the whole programming is my own work and I didn’t use any external source except for the Image Effects & Particle Systems that came with the standard assets of Unity 5.

Here are some screenshots inside the game:

The background color is changing over time. You can switch off the sound via the sprite in the upper right of the screen. Next to it: there is a sprite which shows you how to play.

Please guys try it and tell me if I can improve anything… All suggestions are appreciated :slight_smile: :slight_smile:
Nini Dhia Eddine

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Please rate it :(:frowning:
Looking forward to your opinions & suggestions!

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Hey nini.dhia.eddine your Project is very nice. i appreciate it…
one help please how you smoothly change background Randomly…

Good idea man :slight_smile: