I am trying to calibrate the accelerometer regarding the iphone position. I am using the StarTrooper script to set the orientation of one ship.
I have adjusted the code to get the accelerometer.input and adjust the ship orientation according but it is not working. I mean i cannot tilt the ship up, it only works right, left, and down.
any help will be appreciated.
This is the script
var turnSpeed : float = 10.0;
var maxTurnLean : float = 50.0;
var maxTilt : float = 50.0;
var sensitivity : float = 10.0;
var forwardForce : float = 1.0;
var guiSpeedElement : Transform;
private var normalizedSpeed : float = 0.5;
private var euler : Vector3 = Vector3.zero;
var horizontalOrientation : boolean = true;
private var isControllable : boolean = true;
private var accelCalib : Vector3 = Vector3.zero;
function Awake () {
if (horizontalOrientation){
Screen.SetResolution(480, 320, true);
Debug.Log("SpaceCraftController.js : horizontalOrientation=true");
Screen.SetResolution(320, 480, true);
Debug.Log("SpaceCraftController.js : horizontalOrientation=false");
guiSpeedElement.position = new Vector3 (0, normalizedSpeed, 0);
function Start(){
accelCalib.x = iPhoneInput.acceleration.x;
accelCalib.y = iPhoneInput.acceleration.y;
accelCalib.z = iPhoneInput.acceleration.z;
function Update () {
if (GameController.isRunning isControllable){
for (var evt : iPhoneTouch in iPhoneInput.touches)
if (evt.phase == iPhoneTouchPhase.Moved)
normalizedSpeed = evt.position.y / Screen.height;
guiSpeedElement.position = new Vector3 (0, normalizedSpeed, 0);
function FixedUpdate () {
if (GameController.isRunning isControllable) {
rigidbody.AddRelativeForce(0, 0, normalizedSpeed * forwardForce);
var accelerator : Vector3 = iPhoneInput.acceleration;
if (horizontalOrientation)
//Debug.Log("SpaceCraftController.js : horizontalOrientation");
var t : float = accelerator.x;
accelerator.x = -accelerator.y - accelCalib.y;
accelerator.y = t - accelCalib.x ;
// Rotate turn based on acceleration
euler.y += accelerator.x * turnSpeed;
// Since we set absolute lean position, do some extra smoothing on it
euler.z = Mathf.Lerp(euler.z, -accelerator.x * maxTurnLean, 0.2);
// Since we set absolute lean position, do some extra smoothing on it
euler.x = Mathf.Lerp(euler.x, accelerator.y * maxTilt, 0.2);
// Apply rotation and apply some smoothing
var rot : Quaternion = Quaternion.Euler(euler);
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp (transform.rotation, rot, sensitivity);