Acessing static variable from Entities.ForEach

I’m trying to create a grid map of my entities’ positions

I’m trying to use entities.foreach to grab position data from entities and update a multi hash map like this:

public class QuadrantSystem : JobComponentSystem
    private EntityQuery query;

    public static NativeMultiHashMap<int, SectorData> quadrantMultiHashMap;

    protected override JobHandle OnUpdate(JobHandle inputDeps)
        if (query.CalculateEntityCount() > quadrantMultiHashMap.Capacity)
            quadrantMultiHashMap.Capacity = query.CalculateEntityCount();

        var LquadrantMultiHashMap = quadrantMultiHashMap.AsParallelWriter();
        JobHandle hashJobHandle = Entities
            .ForEach((Entity entity, int entityInQueryIndex, in Translation translation) =>
                int hashMapKey = GetPositionHashMapKey(translation.Value);
                LquadrantMultiHashMap.Add(hashMapKey, new SectorData
                    entity = entity,
                    position = translation.Value
           .WithStoreEntityQueryInField(ref query)

        return hashJobHandle;

And access it in another system like this:

public class WorldRenderer : ComponentSystem
    protected override void OnUpdate()

However unity throws an invalid operation:

Which says " You must call JobHandle.Complete() on the job QuadrantSystem, before you can read from the Unity.Collections.NativeMultiHashMap". However I would have thought [UpdateAfter(typeof(QuadrantSystem))] would solve this problem no?

What am I doing wrong?

Ok I figured it out. The error actually showed the answer. I needed to call JobHandle.Complete() on the job. Here my entire class, updated with using SystemBase instead of JobComponentSystem:

public struct SectorData
    public Entity entity;
    public float3 position;
public class QuadrantSystem : SystemBase
    private EntityQuery query;
    public static NativeMultiHashMap<int, SectorData> quadrantMultiHashMap;
    public const int quadrantYMultiplier = LevelGeneration.GridLength;
    private const int quadrantCellSize = LevelGeneration.GridWorldSize;
    public static int GetPositionHashMapKey(float3 position)
        return (int)(math.floor(position.x / quadrantCellSize) + (quadrantYMultiplier * math.floor(position.y / quadrantCellSize)));
    protected override void OnCreate()
        quadrantMultiHashMap = new NativeMultiHashMap<int, SectorData>(0, Allocator.Persistent);
    protected override void OnDestroy()
    protected override void OnUpdate()
        if (query.CalculateEntityCount() > quadrantMultiHashMap.Capacity)
            quadrantMultiHashMap.Capacity = query.CalculateEntityCount();
        var LquadrantMultiHashMap = quadrantMultiHashMap.AsParallelWriter();
        Entities.ForEach((Entity entity, int entityInQueryIndex, in Translation translation) =>
            int hashMapKey = GetPositionHashMapKey(translation.Value);
            LquadrantMultiHashMap.Add(hashMapKey, new SectorData
                entity = entity,
                position = translation.Value
        .WithStoreEntityQueryInField(ref query)

With basesystem you call this.CompleteDependency(); instead of calling .Complete() on the job.