Action on "touch release"

Hi. I have searched a lot of forums, but I can’t find how to detect “touch release” on android. It means, I don’t want to fire a ball when user touch the screen but the ball will be fired when user release the touch. Is it possible? Thanks

It’s late, but this is another solution.

void Update() {

public static bool TouchRelease() {
	bool b = false;
	for (int i = 0; i < Input.touches.Length; i++) {
		b = Input.touches*.phase == TouchPhase.Ended;*
  •  if (b)*
  •  	break;*
  • }*
  • return b;*
    It checks whether any of the touches performed during the last frame were released.

if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0))
//Do somthing;

Touch phases are not very reliable.
You can do something like this for single touch.

    bool isTouching = false;
	Touch info;
	Action< Touch > touchUp;
	public void Update()
		if( Input.touchCount == 1 )
			isTouching  = true;
			info = Input.touches[0];
		if( isTouching )
			if( touchUp != null )
				touchUp( info );
			isTouching = false;

if you want to do multi touch, you can check out this:
Blurst Multitouch Handler