Action requested: Declare your Ad ID permission

I am using Unity Ads in my apps.
Many developers got email about “Action requested” to declare Ad ID in permission:

Do we need to add Ad ID Permission in manifest?

Hello, I have the same question… I uploaded an app to the play store a few days ago and it’s still under review… I don’t know if I should do something with this. were you able to do something Greetings

I am not sure for Unity Ads SDK, but Admob latest SDK have AP_ID permission in manifest. That’s why I asked here.

hi how can we add advertising id permission in manifest file? can somebody solve this issue

Also, what are the consequences if an app is primarily for children but the meta tag “metaData.Set(“mode”, “app”);” is not set? Any info on that end?

Greetings. I received this email, and I don’t know how to update my app, can you help me, I’m using Android Studio with Kotlin language

Hi Unity Ads Publisher,

Starting April 1, 2022, the Google Families Policy will no longer allow Device IDs to leave users’ devices from apps where one of the target audiences is children. In order to configure Unity Ads to comply with these changes, please take the following actions before April 1, 2022:

Step #1: Confirm you are sharing the correct values in the following fields:

MetaData field



Indicates the compliance mode for the app:

app: Indicates that the entire app is directed at children.

mixed: Indicates that the app is directed at mixed audiences, and passes user-specific flags that identify whether a user should receive personalized or contextual advertisements.

none: Indicates that the entire app is not directed at children and the Families policy does not apply.


A user-specific flag that indicates whether a user should receive personalized or contextual advertisements.

true: Indicates that the user may not receive personalized ads.

false: Indicates that the user may receive personalized ads.

Please note: This field is only required if privacy.mode is set to mixed. For more information, see documentation on COPPA compliance and contextual ads.

Step #2: Add the appropriate code to your project

Ads SDK Type

Code to be added

Unity (C#)

Available here.

iOS (Objective-c)

Available here.

Android (Java)

Available here.

Step #3: For Publisher using Unity Mediation - upgrade to 0.3.0 or above

Publishers who are using Unity Mediation and are operating applications targeted toward children will need to be on Mediation SDK version 0.3.0 or above before re-publishing to the Google Play Store. Please note that, at this time, Unity Mediation does not support mixed audience mode or the user-specific flags referenced above. Download the latest Unity Mediation SDK here.

Step #4: Re-publish your app to the Google Play Store

For additional details on how to update your projects, visit Unity Documentation. Please reach out to your Unity contact or with questions.

The Unity Ads Team

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