ActionScheduler.ExecutionExpiredActions() doing 40B GC allocation on every frame, what is this?

Hello! I was doing profiling today and noticed that ActionScheduler.ExecutionExpiredActions() allocates 40B GC alloc per frame. It never existed before. It’s been a long time since profiling, so I’m unsure what could be causing this.
I searched on the Internet but couldn’t find anything. I would be glad if you help. Thanks in advance.


I believe that’d be Library/PackageCache/ but you’d have to check that in your project. I think there should also be a way for Visual Studio to pick up on code in packages so you might be able to search for the Symbol/Type of ActionScheduler via Visual Studio to find it.

The method is named differently, at least in newer versions of that package though, so maybe your version is outdated and this issue might have already been addressed?

Hey, I am having this issue as well, the issue is I find there is lack of information that allows me to isolate exactly where this issue is arising from. Is this a unity based issue, or related to my code? Any hints or tips on debugging this would be much appreciated

Have you tried updating the package or pulling that from the Library Cache folder into the Packages folder to be able to modify and debug it a bit better?