activate animation using another scripts

Hi guys here’s the thing i want may character to do attack animation so the scenario is im using now is i have 2 scrip the 1st scrip is for the power meter bar that continuously go up and down and it will stop once mouse is click,
2nd scrip is for my character animation once click my character will do attack animation.
both scrip is working well, but i want to change the scenario instead of attack animation by mouse click, what i want is may character will do the attack animation if my power meter bar hit the exact spot

here is my power meter code

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class LineMove: MonoBehaviour
    bool upOrDown = true; //whether we are moving up or down
    bool stopped = false;    //whether we have stopped or not
    public float upSpeed;    //our upwards movement speed
    public float downSpeed;    //our downwards movement speed
    public float maxHeight;    //the max height at which we will change direction
    public float minHeight;    //the min height at which we will change direction
    public float minWinHeight;    //the minimum height we must be at to win
    public float maxWinHeight;    //the maximum height we must be at to win

    void Update()
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Mouse0))
        {    //if the mouse is clicked
            stopped = true;    //then stop
        if (!stopped)
        { //if we haven't stopped
            MoveUpDown(); //move line

    void MoveUpDown()
        if (upOrDown)
        {    //if we are moving up
            transform.Translate(Vector3.up * upSpeed);    //move up
            if (transform.position.y > maxHeight)
            {    //if we are at the max height
                upOrDown = false;    //switch to moving down
        {    //if we are moving down
            transform.Translate(Vector3.up * -downSpeed);    //move down
            if (transform.position.y < minHeight)
            {    //if we are at the min height
                upOrDown = true; //switch to moving up

    void Stopped()    //when we have stopped
        if (transform.position.y > minWinHeight && transform.position.y < maxWinHeight)
            Debug.Log("YOU WIN!!!");    //if line is between win min and max height we win or lose
            Debug.Log("YOU LOSE");

and here is my attack animation

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class AnimatorXD : MonoBehaviour
private Animator anim;

void Start()
    anim = GetComponent<Animator>();

void Update()
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Mouse0))
anim.SetBool(“isAttack”, true);
anim.SetBool(“isAttack”, false);

The idea is these @adrianpogi14 :

 using System.Collections;
 using System.Collections.Generic;
 using UnityEngine;
 public class LineMove: MonoBehaviour
      Attack attackScript;

     bool upOrDown = true; //whether we are moving up or down
     bool stopped = false;    //whether we have stopped or not
     public float upSpeed;    //our upwards movement speed
     public float downSpeed;    //our downwards movement speed
     public float maxHeight;    //the max height at which we will change direction
     public float minHeight;    //the min height at which we will change direction
     public float minWinHeight;    //the minimum height we must be at to win
     public float maxWinHeight;    //the maximum height we must be at to win
     void Start()
            attackScript = GetComponent<AttackScript>();

     void Update()
         if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Mouse0))
         {    //if the mouse is clicked
             stopped = true;    //then stop
         if (!stopped)
         { //if we haven't stopped
             MoveUpDown(); //move line
     void MoveUpDown()
         if (upOrDown)
         {    //if we are moving up
             transform.Translate(Vector3.up * upSpeed);    //move up
             if (transform.position.y > maxHeight)
             {    //if we are at the max height
                 upOrDown = false;    //switch to moving down
         {    //if we are moving down
             transform.Translate(Vector3.up * -downSpeed);    //move down
             if (transform.position.y < minHeight)
             {    //if we are at the min height
                 upOrDown = true; //switch to moving up
     void Stopped()    //when we have stopped
         if (transform.position.y > minWinHeight && transform.position.y < maxWinHeight)
             Debug.Log("YOU WIN!!!");    //if line is between win min and max height we win or lose
             attackScript.Attack(); // Invoke Attack method
             Debug.Log("YOU LOSE");

And in your Attack script

public void Attack()
       anim.SetBool("isAttack", true);