I turn on and off the canvas but I just:
public bool menu = true
public bool otherscene = false;
public void SceneMenu () {
menu = true
otherscene = false;
but it will not know how to say it or attach the canvas
I turn on and off the canvas but I just:
public bool menu = true
public bool otherscene = false;
public void SceneMenu () {
menu = true
otherscene = false;
but it will not know how to say it or attach the canvas
If you want to activate a disabled object you can place it in a variable and use the SetActive() function by using something like this:
public GameObject canvasObject; // drag your canvas object to this variable in the editor
// make your canvas active from a disables state by calling this method
public void MakeActive()
If this is not what you need then please explain more because it was hard to understand what you wanted to achieve.