Activate / desactivate using GameObject.FindWithTag


I would have a question about GameObject.FindWithTag, i actually have a Gaze script, and on gaze out, i want to input a smallest as possible script to activate or desactivate an object with a spécial tag

the script :

void OnGazeEnd ()
			base.OnGazeEnd ();

			GameObject[] tv = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("TV1");
			for (int i = 0; i < tv.Length; i++)
			tv*.GetComponent<Renderer>().enabled = false;*
  •  	SetNormalTexture ();*
  •  }*

I tried with this GameObject[] without any success!
But some simple things like :
Destroy (GameObject.FindWithTag(“TV1”));
works perfectly! badly i dont want to destroy it :wink:
Is anyone have an idea? so i can enable or disable any object whenever this script is used.
Thank you very much

Inside your for loop, put


depending on what you want to do.

Let me try this.

By the way can I use SetActive(true) when the object is not active from the beginning? inactive in Unity when building