Hello there Unity community, just a quick question if possible:
I have been fiddling with ActivateTrigger.js for animating objects around my game world, and thought it may be useful to question the extent of ActivateTrigger. One question I have that has been bugging me is: thus far I mainly use my Character Controller to Activate an animation, what if I wanted my activate trigger to respond to a specific gameobject instead of my first person controller or third? How would I adjust the ActivateTrigger script, or adapt something like GameObject.FindWithTag into the script? I’m still learning UnityScript, so writing something like this on my own seems to be a head ache, but if I can get pointed in the right direction here, I will look into setting up this script on my own :)! Thanks again for the help!
This looks great Viope, thank you for the response, I may also find some other interesting uses for this. It seems this is a possible solution to animating something with a specific tagged item, or adding a ‘source’ to ActivateTrigger.js