Activating Game Objects

hey guys, sorry if this is a simple question but im fully stumped…

i wanna make it so when i pick up a item it makes another item visble… for exsample i want it so if i press E on a bsic white box it goes away and makes it so another box shows up and becomes visble… is there any scripts that make it so i can pick up white box with E and it sets the other box to active so it appears on stage??

thanks heaps

Depending on what oyu want to achieve you can do a number of different things.

You can use


however it will also disable the entire object’s tree (the lower levels). If you just want it to become invisible and nothing else, it is better (imo) to use

gameObject.GetComponent<MeshRender>().enabled = false;

You can activate gameObjects by this:


Afraid not - you have to write it yourself. It should be simple enough once you go through some scripting tutorials. You can use GameObject.SetActive to activate or deactivate an object