Activating multiple external programs via Unity

Hello community,

I´m currently developing a horror game for my bachelor thesis. I want people to test it and while they play it I want to accomplish 2 things.

  1. I want to start a webcam to record their reactions
  2. I want to start a program to record what they see in the game (fraps for example)

I know that I can open external programs like this:

Application.OpenURL ((Application.dataPath) + "/mjpeg-player/sample2.html");
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(Application.dataPath + "/theApplication.exe");



But the question is, can I actually start and end my webcam AND fraps at the same time and make them record + save the data via Unity?

Is it possible? And if yes, how would I accomplish that? Any help is appreciated.

Why not just use a WebCamTexture to read and save the webcam video directly within Unity?