Active or Desactive Cameras


I have some problems with active or desactive cameras, I have coded a Game Manager for my game, I mean, on my main menu I have two options: Single Player and Cooperative, on the menu I pass an object called gameman with the info about the number of players. And well on the game I have two cameras for the Single Player Game (one near and one far) and 4 camera for cooperative (2 near and 2 far). By default I have enabled cooperative cameras (and listener it’s on near of player1 on cooperative). I have done the following script to remove not usefull cameras, but when I try to use it, my game or unity crashes. What I’m doing wrong?

here you have the variables I have used:

var Player1 : Transform;
var Player2 : Transform;

var camaraPersonajeSingle: GameObject;
var camaraPersonajeSingleFar: GameObject;
var camaraPersonajeDoubles1: GameObject;
var camaraPersonajeDoubles2: GameObject;
var camaraPersonajeDoubles1Far: GameObject;
var camaraPersonajeDoubles2Far: GameObject;

Here you have the code:

gameman = GameObject.Find("/TypeOfGameManager").GetComponent(TypeOfGameManager);
//No hay GameManager
if (!gameman) Debug.Log("No hay GameManager");
if (gameman.numeroDePlayers==1){
	camaraPersonajeDoubles1.GetComponent(AudioListener).enabled = false;
	// = false;
	// = false;

	// = false;
	// = false;
	//Activamos camaras 1 jugadores = true;
	camaraPersonajeSingle.GetComponent(AudioListener).enabled = true; = true;
if (gameman.numeroDePlayers==2){ = false; = false;

If instead of taking GameObject type I take Camera type for the variables Unity crashes instantiantly, If not I get this error

PPtr cast failed when dereferencing! Casting from Camera to GameObject!

On this Line = false;

You’re messing with camaraPersonajeDoubles1 right after you Destroy() it. I don’t see why you’d do both.