activeTouches.Count = 1 for dual-hand pinch


I’m currently developing an interaction system. I have several objects that I can grab in a scene. I used this documentation as the basis for my architecture:
PolySpatial Input Documentation

I can grab one object with my right hand and another with my left hand, and that works perfectly.
However, when I pinch with both hands at the same time while selecting a single object, I get activeTouches.Count = 1, but I expect it to be 2 so that I can have two SpatialPointerState.interactionId.

Then, when I move one of my two hands, I enter the SpatialPointerState.Cancelled state, and activeTouches.Count returns to 0, even though I’m still pinching with both hands.

Is this normal behavior? How can I work around it? Could this be a bug?

Thank you in advance for your help.

up …

Has anyone had the same issue?