Activity io.branch.unity.BranchUnityActivity has leaked IntentReceiver com.unity.purchasing.googlepl

So IAP works when you first install. Then later the game crashes as you suggest when you click the back button. You wait until tomorrow (for example), and run the game, and now IAP does not initialize. And if you keep trying, it never initializes? The only time IAP actually works is the very first install and launch? And if you hit the back button, IAP never works again. That is quite odd if so, if I am understanding correctly. A previous launch (and crash) should not affect subsequent launches. I’m not clear on your mention “The crash seems to happen only if we quit before the UnityPurchasing.Initialize is finished.”, so you quickly hit the back button to exit the game, even before it loads? Not many users would do that, so thankfully this looks like a rare issue, right? Please provide the device logs after a new install, and not pressing the back button to trigger the (permanent) crash scenario. Then provide the subsequent logs after the crash, on next app launch. How To - Capturing Device Logs on Android Have you contacted Branch (I used to work for them, I didn’t recognize it as you had misspelled their name, great company!)