Wondering if there are any plans for including an activity log for each cloud build that shows which user has in an organization has cancelled a build. This becomes important as multiple Dev/QA has access to the organization’s builds giving them the ability to cancel builds. Without an activity log it becomes difficult to pinpoint the user who made the action.
I’ve used the cloud build API to get similar info before (docs here Unity DevOps Build Automation). You can do things like this:
Get an audit of all cloud build changes
Get all the build info - this also gives you the username of the person who cancelled the build
The only issue is that you need to call it from a scripting system as far as I know so I don’t think this info is available on the website which is probably what you wanted. I’ve written example code to send the build info to Microsoft Teams and it’s on this forum so you could use that as template.
Edit: Link to Teams build bot example which has a PHP script showing access to the cloud build API ( Guide: Creating a cloud build bot in Microsoft Teams )
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