This morning I discovered all my apps have been disabled from ad delivery (I didn’t do this by myself for sure), then I manually enable all of them.
However, even I enabled ads, now all my apps fails to load/show unity ads as before, just don’t know why. From statistic report, I can see there is a small amount of revenue, thousands of impression, but 0 request…it just so abnormal, now I am losing my revenue.
I did not receive any mail notification from unity and my account is still working, so can somebody help me?
I started a thread here. If you got blocked or stopped receiving ads with no explanation from Unity, please go and comment there so that it gets some traction. I’ve mentioned my case and how my organization got blocked without a clear explanation.
My suspicion is that the fraud team there has been extra active due to covid. But treating Unity developers like this and punishing us (the false positive fraud cases) is unacceptable.
Having more concrete cases makes it more visible and gets us closer to an answer.
Since Aug 14, 2020. Drop from millions request to zero. Also ads has been disabled “automatically” from dashboard. I turned it on again. But they are not working.
They respond today and said i click on my own ads. This is crazy i am using admob and chartboost for almost 3 years and never get banned from any of it and i use override mode whenever i create a game just in case i click any of it and i never play my own games. So there is no way i can click on it.
Yesterday they blocked my organization with the same reason, but still no response from unity support.
We had spent a lot of money on user acquiring (most of them on unity itself), all other ads are working fine including FB/Applovin/Mobpub/Mintegral/etc, how come unity do this to us? We didn’t do anything fraud, was that an error that making user acquiring campaigns with unity ads integrated? Was that block caused by user spikes? Does unity’s fraud system understand what is real user behaviors or so call “exhibited behavior”? The fact is that we developers worked days and nights to make the game, loaned and spent a lot of money on unity for user acquiring, and then locked by unity and lost everything!
Today Unity support send me an email and said that we are good to go so everything get back to normal. I think we get a delay on answer because it happened on weekend. Thanks everyone hope you can fix your problem.