Hi everyone. I’m very new to Unity and I hope to get some help from the community. I’m importing robot assets (robot arms, mobile robots) from different Unity projects into my own to control them. When opening my Unity project, the assets just display the color pink, I understand that this is because of different rendering pipelines from different Unity projects. However, when I select the materials and go to Edit → Render Pipeline → Universal Render Pipeline → Upgrade Selected Materials to UniversalRP Materials, I can manage to get the colors of the materials right. But whenever I close the project and reopen it, the colors of the materials just revert to pink again even though I saved the project before leaving already. Do you know how to save the materials in the rendering pipeline of my current project so I don’t have to manually edit the rendering pipeline every time I reopen the project.
This is an example of the assets in my robot arm. This is when I converted the materials to URP materials but some of the meshes remain pink but they display the correct colors in the Scene. This is an example of a material. It is locked and I don’t know how to unlock it but it doesn’t seem possible.